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Here is something I see all the time.

“Love Thy Neighborhood sounds like an amazing opportunity – like something I’ve been looking for!” (Sudden pause.) “Wait. Would I have to fundraise?”

As the sound of the letter “Y” leaves my mouth, I watch body language change and eyes glaze over. Oxygen masks sometimes drop from the ceiling. I’ve had people throw smoke bombs on the ground and disappear like Ninjas.


After spending the better part of the last decade helping young adults raise money for urban ministry, I can tell you that the inner-turmoil about fundraising goes something like this:

“When I ask people for money, it’s really awkward for both of us and they probably think I’m just trying to avoid getting a real job.” which leads to the next thought, “I need to do something that doesn’t require me to ask other people for money.”

People hate asking for money because they think they are asking for money for themselves. Instead, it’s important to understand that you are inviting your friends and family to be a part of what God is doing.

[Tweet “Asking people to pray and also to give their money are the same invitation: to join God’s mission.”]


Contrary to the common belief that asking for financial support is in poor taste and that people need to make it in the world on their own two feet, there are ample examples in scripture that both asking for and giving financial support are good things. Among those that received financial support were both Jesus and the Apostle Paul. In fact, this was often how people made it known that they stood alongside God in the work he was doing.

[pullquote type=”right”]“Financial support was often how people made it known that they stood alongside God in the work he was doing.”[/pullquote]The Philippians were hit hard by the famine. Despite their own financial hardships, they continued to give generously and sacrificially to their brethren in Jerusalem who were even poorer. (Phil. 4:10-20)

Another wonderful example of this can be found in the Corinthian church. They were in a season of abundance. Paul exhorts them to recognize that their abundance is meant to meet the needs of others who are lacking. He reminds them that when their day of need presents itself, they will be provided for by the abundance that others may have. He explains that generosity also benefits the giver.


[Tweet “Here are some items to help you on your journey as you fundraise for ministry.”]

1. Download our free step-by-step guide, “How to Raise Support”.

We guide every Love Thy Neighborhood Team Member through the fundraising process. This guide provides a step-by-step process and a checklist to help you stay on track toward your personal goal. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE.

2. Don’t ever let money be the reason you do not serve with LTN.

I am going to ask you to do something. Take money off the table as you consider serving with LTN. Forget your financial anxieties about fundraising. Instead, ask God to give you faith and good counsel. Focus your prayer and conversations on the needs of the people we serve and not on the hurdles you think could stop you.

3. What you cannot raise never affects your service with LTN.

No one gets sent home from lack of funds. Whether you can raise 10% of your personal goal or twice your personal goal, it won’t affect your service with LTN. You will still receive the same experience and opportunities as any other LTN Team Member.

4. All financial support goes into one pile to care for everyone.

LTN doesn’t segment funds per Team Member. Should you raise less than your personal goal, we have good news. Because LTN Team Members share their funds, those that raise more than they need care for those that have raised less than they need. (That almost sounds… biblical.)

5. We’ve never fallen short on our financial needs.

We are thankful to say that not once since we began in 2005 has LTN failed to meet budget. Our Team Members have collectively averaged a 100%+ success rate on their fundraising.

So… stop freaking out. Stop worrying. Stop using money as an excuse to back away from what God is calling you into – whether that is with LTN or any other calling. It’s all God’s money and he knows how he wants to use it.


As I was writing this article, one of our Team Members dropped by the office and told me, “I was nervous at first about fundraising. I had never done it before. It was SO much easier than I thought it would be. It’s really not that hard because LTN guides us every step of the way. People don’t need to be scared.”
If you’re looking to raise money in support of your church or special occasion, find 12 proven church fundraising ideas you can use over on this site.


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