Alumni BlogBlog Alumni Blog: The Danger of Romanticizing Ministry This story comes from 2009/2010 Alumni Darrell Johnson. This post was originally written in January…LTN2014-05-22
BlogHomelessnessStories LTN Stories: Ain’t Got Nothin’ But Time Several years ago, a man named Joey was released after a 10 year sentence in…jesse2014-05-20
BlogPersonal Growth Why Telling Your Life Story Matters When our LTN Team Members first arrive, we take a few hours each day to…jesse2014-05-01
Alumni BlogBlog Alumni Blog: What is Worth Giving Up Everything? This story comes from 2009/2010 Alumni Emily Johnson. This post was originally written in May…LTN2014-05-01
BlogPersonal Growth Why We All Need Honest and Transparent Community Last week, I took a short road trip with a friend. We spent around 4…jesse2014-04-24
Alumni BlogBlogHomelessness Alumni Blog: How One Homeless Man Changed My Life This story comes from 2009/2010 Alumni Caleb Butler. This post was originally written in February…LTN2014-04-08