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The following is an excerpt from the foreword from Jesse Eubanks’ new eBook “KNOWN: How to Connect with God & Other People Through Your Life Story” available as a free PDF download here.


I’ve always been drawn to memoirs – true stories from people where they reflect on the lives they’ve lived and the lessons they’ve learned.

[pullquote type=”right”]Hearing other people’s stories is an invitation to connect with each other through honesty, trust and humility.[/pullquote]As I hear people’s stories, I often end up knowing other people and myself better. God begins turning on the lights inside my heart. I am sure this is why Jesus told stories so often. Powerful truth is often most robust when planted within a story. I have found hearing other people’s stories serves as an invitation to life. It’s an invitation to connect with each other through honesty, trust and humility.

[pullquote type=”left”]The Father, Son and Spirit have been exchanging their story and their lives with each other forever.[/pullquote]My faith tells me that before time was created God has always existed in the form of the Trinity – one body, three parts. The Father, Son and Spirit have been exchanging their story and their lives with each other forever. This is why the Bible says that God is love. Love requires a relationship and only a triune God could be love because he has always been giving love.

God made us in his image and he invites us into the experience of giving and receiving love by knowing him and each other. The road to honest connection with other people, though, is a risky path full of danger, uncertainty and adventure.

[pullquote type=”right”]We’ve ended up feeling disconnected, unknown and lonely.[/pullquote]For many of us, we’ve tried to figure out safer shortcuts to intimacy but they’ve all backfired. We’ve ended up feeling disconnected, unknown and lonely. Jesus says he came to bring us life to the fullest. What he’s offering us is far better than what we’ve settled for.

This short e-book contains 5 simple truths that have helped me connect with God and other people.

[pullquote type=”left”]What Jesus is offering us is far better than what we’ve settled for.[/pullquote]Every year at Love Thy Neighborhood, we guide young adults into deeper intimacy with God and each other. Our goal is to help them walk into adulthood as people who know how to trust others with the intimate parts of their lives. I hope we can do the same for you.


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